Passionate Writer | Coach Mradula


Why is Content Marketing Important for Affiliate Marketing?

With the pandemic confining most people to their homes, many people turn to the internet to earn money online. Though there are many options, content writing and affiliate marketing are the two most popular and common. 


So you can imagine the power and prospective earnings you can generate if you combine them! Of course, it doesn’t mean you can write just about anything and sell the first thing you lay your hands on. 


You need to select the right product you are most comfortable talking and promoting and then craft compelling content around it.


And why do you need content? 


It’s because you can reach people through content. 


Content can be in any form – audio, textual or blog posts, or video.


Relevant content builds authority


You need some form of content for this content marketing. And you need writing to come up with blog posts and the audio and video scripts for video and audio content. 


Once you publish relevant content on your website, you slowly but surely find ways to let people learn about your brand/business through search engines like Google. 


It is authoritative and relevant content that helps build your online trust and authority. You can’t just stuff your posts and words in the pretext of building authority.


 You need to start thinking of content like a product that’s as exciting as any affiliate you sell. It thus has to deliver the same buzz and attention to the reader, making them want to read more of your content. 


And don’t just fill up your blog post with boring content. You also have to post some valuable and relevant images in the proper layout to enhance their beauty. It improves the looks of what you write to make sure you get it right. 



Tips to creating stunning long-form content


Long-form blog posts and articles containing more than 1000 words effectively get shares and get read. This content should be adequately divided between different sub-headings and include numerous images and links. With the range, these images and links work at growing your site and demonstrating its value. 


If you had always assumed that Google likes shorter, 500-word content, you are wrong.


Google has undergone numerous changes over the years.


They were all done with the primary intention of showing users the most relevant and entertaining search results while removing as much spam as possible from results pages. 


Google now works at removing spam by assessing many of the site quality indicators.


And one of them is the length where longer posts or articles suggest better value to the reader.


Five hundred words provide you with enough time and space to deliver minimal and introductory information to the reader. However, you can give an in-depth and more thorough explanation through longer posts. 


That’s why Google suggests that the optimum length for a blog post should be 1800 words.


So you are providing excellent value to your readers if your pests are so long. The proper headers, images, and links to external sources enhance the post’s value. 


Besides, there is another advantage and reason to have long-form posts.


Google generally features these longer posts as resources in SERPs. So, in short, if you want more exposure for your content, then focus on creating longer posts. 


Tips for crafting long-form content


The best way to create long-form content that works for affiliate marketing is by choosing a topic you know you can write extensively about. It should be a topic you can ‘attack’ or cover from all angles and provide maximum value and information to the readers.


Divide the main topic into 2-3 sub-topics using relevant keywords and long semantic key phrases where possible. Including a few links to external authoritative resources through the posts also helps.


You can write as much a detailed article on the topic as possible.


However, do not make the mistake of stuffing the site with just words in the hope of creating a ‘long-form post.’ The only thing you achieve through this is a lost audience. Your audience is reading the post because of your title. And so, you should include only information relevant to the titles in the list. 



Another essential tip to remember while creating long-form content is not just writing large chunks of text.


This type of text is complex, takes a long time to read, and gives enough reason for your reader to leave your page.


You instead have to craft small paragraphs comprising of, at the most, 3-4 sentences. Having as much white space between makes it so much easier for the reader to read your content. 


It even helps and is better if your long-form content has lots of headings and perhaps a table of content. Readers can opt to skip some topics and only skim through to the parts they are most interested in. 




So while it’s possible to do affiliate marketing without a website or blog, blogs help promote your products. And this is where and how content marketing is so important. 


Always use high-quality content to promote your product or services. It helps build trust and authority for readers and increases the risks of getting potential buyers. They will want to come back and read more of your content, which earns you more affiliate income in the long run. 


So you may have now got your answer if you have always wondered why there’s so much hype about writing in affiliate marketing.


While you can do affiliate marketing without a blog or website, having one is an excellent advantage to any affiliate marketer. 


Don’t worry if you don’t know how to write your content. 


You can always hire a professional writer do the writing for you!

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