Passionate Writer | Coach Mradula

8 Reasons Why a Business Should Have a Blog

As a business owner and marketer, you will want to stay ahead of the trends and keep updated with the changing market.


You also want to increase your company’s visibility and credibility.


And the one solution available for both is a blog.


However you know blogs take a lot of time, commitment and maintenance. It makes you wonder if it’s worth your time and effort.


According to statistics, companies with blogs produce 67% more leads monthly than companies without blogs.


If that’s not enough reason for you to start a blog on your website, here are eight more reasons why you should.


1.   Attracts new clients


Blogs with relevant content and SEO strategies like keywords, Meta descriptions, and titles helps increase traffic to your website.


Besides, each uploaded post adds a page to your website, which helps with your website SEO. Google and other search engines end up re-crawling your website to find new content for indexing.


It, in turn, leads to increased search engine results for your website, improved brand visibility and higher chances of getting clicked. 

2.   It helps convert traffic into leads

Blogs not only attract visitors to your site but has the potential of generating leads too. All you have to do is add a call-to-action offering something free to each blog post.

The freebie can be anything consumers may find helpful enough to give up their contact information like a free consultation, eBook, or webinar. With their contact information in hand, you can leave it to your sales team to follow them up. 

3.   Become a figure of authority in your field

Blogs even make small-business blogs look authoritative, as long as the posts:

  • Answer frequently asked questions by potential customers
  • Discuss industry trends
  • Provide helpful information on relevant topics

This authority gives your potential customers even more reason to do business with you. 

4.   Build relationships with customers

The comments section in your blog proves useful in building relationships with possible customers. All you have to do is ask a question at the end of the post. It needn’t be even something complicated.

Ask something to get the conversation going, and wait for the reader to leave comments. This interaction helps build trust in the relationship and lets you learn what your customers want or have to say. 

5.   Form a community based on your business

Sharing the post on social media reaches a wider audience and builds a community around your business. Social shares also help bring new readers and visitors to your website.

Adding social sharing buttons to your blogs makes it even easier for visitors to share your content, who are indirectly marketing your brand!

6.   Improves trust


Blogs help improve the level of trust potential customers have towards your organization. As long as you share helpful, informative, and accurate content, it encourages discussions and confidence in your brand. 


7.   Produces long-term results


The best thing about blog posts is that it doesn’t just create some activity and traffic that eventually slows down. Once your post is ranked on social engines, it attracts visitors for as long as it’s on the web. If your blog has a substantial number of pages filled with informative content, even the old posts will continue boosting traffic!


8.   An essential part of your marketing strategy


Blogs help with your company’s multimedia representation, too. Use your blogs to promote your company’s video interviews, podcasts, and more to keep the audience interested while promoting your company.


In short, it’s well worth having a blog on your business website.


As long as the content is unique, informative, and offers great value, blogs can help boost search engine rankings, increase website traffic and build credibility with minimal expense.


You, in turn, end up with readers who may end up buying or hiring your products or services and even recommend your business to others.


P.S. I hope you liked this post and found it helpful! Do drop a comment with your feedback and perhaps some sugestions! I’m always ready to hear your thoughts!


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