Passionate Writer | Coach Mradula

What is an affiliate?

What is an affiliate?

The simple definition is that an affiliate is someone who sends people to an offer using a specially coded link. This coded link is their affiliate link, and can be used to promote any product and service.

The idea is that you, the affiliate, have to make new and potential customers look at the product you endorse.

As an affiliate, you end up receiving a percentage of the sale (commission) if the person buys the product.

In short, you earn money or commission for helping a person sell their product or services. It’s their way of giving you a reason and initiative to promote their product.

The wonderful thing is that there is no fixed number to the commission amount.  It generally ranges from between 5% to 50% of the selling price. There are now even some programs offering as much as 75% to 200% commission! You have to look around to see which program offers a good commission.

Useful affiliate marketing tips to know

These tips should help you maximize your potential as a affiliate:

1.      Only promote things you believe in

Of course, in addition to the commission rate, you also have to promote a product you believe in. It’s always better to sell something you have used or at least know about.

You can thus assure its reliability and better highlight its features and benefits to help people decide.  Supposing the product is in the production stage, you can gauge its quality better through your relationship with the creator.

2.      Do not make the mistake of over promoting

But as an affiliate, remember to never overpromote.

Many people make this mistake in the excitement of striking a sale. But in the process, this mistake can end up breaking more deals than making them. It’s better to focus on building a good relationship with your audience and offer top-quality products.

There’s a higher chance of their coming back to do more business with you once they know your products are reliable.

3.      You can give an extra nudge

Instead, you can offer them a little bonus as an extra nudge and reason to try the product or service. You could offer your consulting, coaching, writing, or other services to entice them to buy through your link.

4.      Write and share thorough reviews

It’s worth writing thorough reviews of the affiliate products. Make sure you don’t just write the pros but also the cons based on your personal experience. Any person will want to know as much as possible about a product before taking the plunge.

5.      Which is better, promoting through a newsletter or blog?

If you wonder where you should share the product on your newsletter or blog, it depends on the product. If it’s being launched and won’t be available forever, it’s better to promote it in your newsletter.

However, if it is something evergreen, then your blog suits perfectly fine. If you don’t have a blog, then use the social media for subtle promotion.

Last but not least, there is no limit to the number of affiliates you can promote. It all depends on the scope of your social media influence, the product, and of course, the right, converting content.

P.S. I hope you liked this post and found it helpful! Do drop a comment with your feedback and perhaps some sugestions! I’m always ready to hear your thoughts!

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